Schedule Overview & Sessions Preview


Sunday, September 1st

9 am - 5 pm - SOCAP13 Impact Accelerator at Impact HUB San Francisco
*entrepreneur scholarship recipients only

Monday, September 2nd
9 am - 5pm - SOCAP13 Impact Accelerator at Impact HUB San Francisco
*entrepreneur scholarship recipients only
5 pm - Pre-Registration Party at Impact HUB San Francisco

Tuesday, September 3rd

9 am - Registration Opens
1 pm - SOCAP13 Kick Off
6:30 pm - End of Day 1
*Evening Reserved for Partner Events (No formal SOCAP event planned)

Wednesday, September 4th

8 am - Registration Opens & Continental Breakfast
9 am - Morning Plenary
10:45 am - Morning Break-Out Sessions
12:15 pm - Afternoon Break-Out Sessions
1:15 pm - Lunch
2:15 pm - Afternoon Break-Out Sessions
6:30 pm - Evening Party

Thursday, September 5th

8 am - Registration Opens & Continental Breakfast
9 am - Morning Plenary
10:15 am - Morning Break-Out Sessions
12:30 pm - Lunch
2:15 pm - Afternoon Break-Out Sessions
5 pm - Evening Plenary Session
6:30 pm - Evening Party

Friday, September 6th

8 am - Registration Opens & Continental Breakfast
9 am - Morning Plenary
10:15 am - Morning Break-Out Sessions
1 pm - Lunch & SOCAP13 Close

SOCAP:Investing Track SOCAP: Investing
This is Impact Investing: Myth-Busting and New Directions
Description: Our understanding of Impact investing is squishy. Despite growing sector infrastructure, there persists a glaring absence of information on how investment vehicles operate in a huge array of impact areas, countries, and asset classes to achieve their goals. This session marks the official pre-release of findings from a two-year, detailed examination of the practices and strategies of 15 successful impact investing funds, narrowed from a list of 350 worldwide.

SOCAP: Health Track SOCAP: Health
Financing Health Infrastructure in the Developing World
Description: In most developing countries, the public health sector cannot adequately cater to the growing demand for healthcare due to a critical lack of infrastructure. For instance, Africa has less than one hospital bed per thousand people compared to a global average of 3.6. The paucity of health infrastructure creates a barrier to the effective deployment of resources into the sector. Panelists will explore how to mobilize impact investment to bridge the gap in critical health infrastructure, identifying workable models including: blended capital structures, public private partnerships, and pay-for-performance.

SOCAP: Oceans Track SOCAP: Oceans
Pirate Ships and Looted Seas: Innovations for Tracking and Transparency
Description: Overfishing, illegal fishing boats, and other rogue practices not only endanger the food security and safety of coastal communities but also affect the geopolitical stability of entire continents. Fortunately, designers and communities are innovating around tracking and transparency in ways that save livelihoods and money. This conversation highlights what is at stake in the quest for transparent and sustainable seafood supply chains, and the courageous and practical solutions that are arising.

SOCAP: Meaning Track SOCAP: Meaning
Healing Yourself While Healing the World: A Spiritual Path at Work
Description: How can we go about our work in a way that cultivates compassion and creativity rather than anxiety and resentment? How do we deepen our own capacity for healing and freedom in the midst of high-pressure work environments and despairing world problems? This workshop will explore the Compassion Practice developed at the Center for Engaged Compassion as a process for transforming the workplace into a setting for increased healing and spiritual growth.

SOCAP: Communities Track SOCAP: Communities
Framework for Developing and Localizing Innovation Ecosystems
Description: This panel will discuss an overall approach for building innovation ecosystems, ranging from policy to mentoring programs, financing, and design thinking. Panelists will present their experiences of how this ecosystem framework should be adapted to local contexts based on resources available. The panel will include examples from a broad set of regions including the U.S. and emerging market countries, and the lessons learned from each context.