Posted by on September 3rd, 2013


All of SOCAP13′s mainstage plenary and breakout session area available on the Social Capital Markets Youtube channel for your viewing and sharing. Here’s the Full List:


Rosa Lee Harden - Welcome to Meaning

Tim Soerens - Meaning track

Ashara Ekundayo - Libation Ceremony

Samantha Duncan - Think Big

Managing Impact for the Long Term

The HUB and Impact HUB

Doug Jutte - The Doctor is Out: Health Happens Where You Live, Learn, Work and Play

Mark Beam - Listening to the Local

Abigail Sarmac - Listening to the Local

David Leventhal - Listening to the Local

Jeff Leifer - Mapping the Blue Market: Opportunity and the New Oceans Economy

Cheryl Dahle - Mapping the Blue Market: Opportunity and the New Oceans Economy

David McConville - Mapping the Blue Market: Opportunity and the New Oceans Economy

The Changing Landscape of Health What it Means for Investors & Entrepreneurs

Seth Goldman - Mission in a Bottle

Impact Investing 2.0: Insight for the Inner Workings of 13 Outstanding Funds

Armchair discussion with Vineet Rai and Kevin Jones

The Role of Government in Impact Investing

What’s Next: Evidence-Based Practice, Impact Investing, and Pay for Success Collide

Moving Beyond the Pioneers

Priming the Pump in Action: A Sector-Based Discussion on Mobile Impact

Financing Health Infrastructure in the Developing World

Going Deeply Local to Build for the Long Term

Laura Callanan - The Surprise Social Entrepreneur

Zia Khan - Innovative Finance

Paul Polak - The Business Solution to Poverty

Mary Berry - Introduction to Sarah Fritschner

Sarah Fritschner - Cheap Food: Scale, Impact and What Will Make a Difference?

U.S. Government Development Financing 2.0

By Women, for Women: Building Health Technologies for the Chief Medical Officer of the Home

Detroit: Coming Back from Bankruptcy

Built to Last: Succession Planning for Impact Enterprises

R. Todd Johnson - Designing Business for Good

Steve Wright - The Greatest Good

Jeff Leifer - Introduction to Van Jones

Van Jones - Rebuild the Dream

What is Literally Worth Dying For?

Sea Change Storytelling: Narratives that Move the Market

What’s Next?

Rosa Lee Harden and Colin Mutchler -

Tim Freundlich & John Goldstein - Seeding the Future

Final Closing Remarks of SOCAP13